Our Member
Deutscher Steuerberaterverband e.V. – DStV

About DStV

DStV is the umbrella association of 16 regional tax adviser associations representing more than 36,500 voluntary individual members of the tax advising professions in Germany. Those professionals include all professions that are allowed to provide tax services in Germany: Tax Advisers, Auditors, Sworn Accountants, Tax Agents and Lawyers.

While DStV was established in 1975, the history of its regional member associations dates back to the late 1940s. As their umbrella organisation, DStV co-ordinates their interests and opinions in topics regarding professional policies, and promotes them at national, European and international level. This is realised through active participation in the legislative process concerning tax law and professional regulations, accounting and auditing standards as well as SME-relevant legislation.

All of these activities are aimed at supporting the tax profession in meeting the current requirements and preparing it for future challenges.
ETAF is a registered organisation in the EU Transparency Register, with the register identification number 760084520382-92.

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