July 2024 Newsletter

July 31, 2024


  • Philippe Arraou, ETAF president

EU elections

  • European Parliament begins its tenth term
  • European Commission President-elect presents her political guidelines for the next five years

Professional law

  • CJEU grants specific protection to relationship between lawyers and clients
  • CJEU Advocate General upholds legal professional privilege
  • CJEU Advocate General grants Member States broad discretion in restricting external influences on legal professions
  • European Court of Auditors assesses the performance of the recognition of professional qualifications in the EU

Tax law

  • Hungarian Presidency’s tax priorities
  • EU Finance Ministers reach an agreement on FASTER
  • Estonia continues to oppose the ViDA package
  • European Commission revives UNSHELL negotiations with a new approach
  • ETAF participates in the DAC evaluation
  • G20 Finance Ministers commit to cooperate on wealth taxation
  • OECD still optimistic about Pillar One after the missed June deadline
  • EU closely following the drafting of the terms of reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperatio

CJEU tax case-law digest

  • May – July 2024

ETAF news

  • ETAF quizzes MEPs on their vision of the future ahead EU elections
  • ETAF Partnership agreement with the European Parliament for the EU election
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